I grew up with the mind set that if I want to see change, I must be the change I see. So with that ingrained in my mind, I initially started off my quest to leave my positive impression on the world through education, but that is a blog for another time. I don't know if many people know about my business ventures and/or my involvement in music...more specifically music business rather than being just an artist.

I created a "record label" called AG One Entertainment, and as I reflect back on that now I'm not sure if the goal for AG One is consistent with the definition, or the role labels are currently playing in an artists career. On some levels I feel like we are a management company because we focus on artist development, branding and helping artist establish stability and sustainability. Labels today are no longer investing the time to mold quality artist; they are buying-in to artist who already have a solid fanbase and body of work. Labels have turned into distribution/brand management companies rather than developing talent like record labels in the past did. That in turn has left major labels pushing singles "with the most commercial potential" for a ROI rather than investing the development of an artist that will have the potential to grow and maintain in an industry that is starving for someone with talent to come along and contribute to the revolution that music industry so desperately needs. That's where indie labels come into play, much like the rise of La Face, Cash Money and Bad Boy records. 

I created AG One Entertainment over a three years ago with three main goals in mind. First and foremost we want to re-establish artist development. Its one thing to create a great record, but it doesn't always translate to being Festival Ready -- namely, knowing how to engage with an audience, and create a great fan experience at a show. People forget that having talent is a gift, but without the work and dedication; the talent is nothing.

Second, I wanted to provide a home for artists. A collective network in the sense where creative people work with each other to create. No limitation from genre or types of music, but where people who are passionate about music can get together and create dope music for people to listen to. For people who have something to say through their music, help provide them with an outlet to get their music heard. The industry is a cold business, and I've learned the greatest gift we can give to one another is encouragement. So with that being said I would like to see AG One be a stepping stone for young, hungry, up and coming artists;  including my staff. A place to build upon and become complete artist or well rounded music business individuals, ultimately helping people reach their desired goals.

Finally, and probably most importantly I want to provide the people with quality music. Timeless art. I want to contribute to people falling in love with music all over again.

One day at a time, we'll make it through.

To everyone that has supported me, my music, and AG One Entertainment, I want to take this time to say thank you for your love and support. I would not have made the progress I have without you...its your belief in me that keeps me going and challenges me to strive for bigger and better.
